


The Monegasque Association ECOUTE CANCER RÉCONFORT created in June 2009 a welcoming place intended for the well-being of people with cancer – a space for meetings, listening and activities which allows them to recharge their batteries, overcome the disease and to come out of their isolation.

From the President
“In 1992 Martine Vaccarezza, Mado Petit, Thérèse Mencaraglia, Philippe Ballerio, under the Honorary Presidency of HSH Princess Stéphanie, created the association “Ecoute Cancer Réconfort” to provide people with cancer with help and comfort.

Since then, our association has continued, thanks to a dedicated team of members and volunteers, to work so that patients and their families find the support they need, whether it be moral or financial support.

To achieve our objective, in addition to our actions with patients, hospital visits, provision of a "well-being space", our association organizes charity events for the benefit of people with cancer.

So that our association can carry out new projects and bring ever greater well-being to patients and their families, I invite you to mobilize alongside us.”
Valerie Barilaro

Read more about Ecoute Cancer Réconfort