Handbag Clinic specializes in the renovation, repair and restoration of luxury handbags and shoes. We work with all the major brands: Hermès, Chanel and Balenciaga etc and directly with Gucci, Jimmy Choo, Bulgari, Céline, Christies and Art Curial, to name but a few.
Handbag Clinic France has a new pop up store in Cannes for the next 3 months in Karin Zolotoff’s well known, Le Shop 17, Gray D'Albion, 17 Bd de la Croisette.
To get your bags ready for summer, in May we're offering 50% off interior and exterior cleaning and 20% off all renovations for all handbags brought to Shop 17. Bring your bag to the shop and we can give you a quote right away.
Scarlett McDougall
Handbag Clinic France