The Importance of Sleep: Why Less Than 6 Hours of Sleep May Raise Your Risk of Dementia

The Importance of Sleep: Why Less Than 6 Hours of Sleep May Raise Your Risk of Dementia

Sleep is one of the most important functions for human survival. Without it, we cannot function properly let alone perform efficiently.

When we sleep, the glymphatic system is engaged. Think of this as a type of ‘plumbing’ system for the brain that works by detoxifying - it removes the buildup of waste products and plaque, allowing you to have a clean, fresh start when you wake up in the morning. This is why we so often feel revitalised after a good night’s sleep. At the same time as eliminating these toxins, sleep filters out unnecessary connections while enforcing new neural pathways to solidify memory, experience and emotions, all the while preserving your brain health...

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Brain Health Network's mission is to help people keep their brain healthy as they age - lowering the risk of neurodegeneration, feeling good, and staying sharp.

There is a widespread lack of awareness around the ever-increasing recent evidence showing that it is possible to significantly lower risk, as well as improve day-to-day cognitive function (staying sharp), by maintaining a healthy brain through simple lifestyle factors.

At Brain Health Network, we work with leading researchers and academics around the world to help explain their findings and recommendations related to brain health in a clear and understandable way, and to help people make sustainable lifestyle change through our product and service offerings.

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