Essential Oils

The Brain Health Method - How Can Essential Oils Impact Your Brain Health

The Brain Health Method - How Can Essential Oils Impact Your Brain Health

Nick Carter, a Kentucky hound, was the greatest tracker in history, with a record in excess of 600 successful arrests. Born in 1899, he began a partnership with Captain G V Mullikin of Lexington, Kentucky which led to more than 150 criminal convictions. He was a bloodhound, a breed which holds the ultimate record for tracking: the location of a missing family in Oregon after more than 300 hours of their disappearance, a record held since 1954.

 But ‘sniffing’ is more than just smell, it is critical for survival in all mammals – for finding and acquiring food and water, detecting predators or other threats, contributing to social interaction and for reproduction.

So, we could ask - can the same be said of us humans?

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