
How You Can Help to Save the Rainforest and the Endangered Borneo Pygmy Elephants!

How You Can Help to Save the Rainforest and the Endangered Borneo Pygmy Elephants!

Over the last three years and during six events, Club Vivanova has helped to raise over €75,000 for the Borneo Wildlife Preservation and now we need some help to raise more funding. So join us on Wednesday 13th June at TWIGA Monte Carlo for a fund-raiser - we really need your support!

Thursday 13th June 2024 . 6pm to 8.30pm

TWIGA Monte Carlo . Live DJ
Charity Tombola

€75 per person
*€10 donated to the Borneo Wildlife Preservation


Join Club Vivanova in partnership with the Borneo Wildlife Preservation for an exclusive Midsummer White Party featuring TWIGA gourmet specialities and an international wine bar.

International Wine Bar
TWIGA Cocktail Dînatoire

Fish Tacos Avocado Yuzu Kosho Mayo 
Chips de Platano & Guacamole 
Carpaccio Vitello Tonnato 
Focaccia Olive Oil Rosmarin
Potato Truffle Croquette 

Read our interview with BWP President Kat Pirelli
Learn all about where your donation is going!

The Mall Sanremo is Celebrating Summer with an Event Under the Stars this Saturday 23rd July 2022

The Mall Sanremo is celebrating summer with A Midsummer Night’s Dream, an evening event which on Saturday 23 July will bring this exclusive luxury outlet alive with surprises and unique performances.

A magical night, suspended between sea and stars, where style and glamour will be combined with music and flavour.

From 6pm to 11pm, you will be welcomed by the sweet sound of a violin and a refreshing aperitif served in the corridors connected to the boutique; after which you can order dinner on the charming sea-view terrace of the Food Lounge adHoc with its exclusive menu of Ligurian flavours from land and sea.

There will be moments of emotion, elation and joie de vivre to follow, until 11pm, thanks to art exhibitions which will amaze visitors, live music sessions, light shows and contemporary choreography by an expert corps de ballet.

A free shuttle service from Cannes, Nice, Monaco and Sanremo is available on request.

To book transfers and dinner at the Food Lounge adHoc contact the Welcome Lounge on +39-0184 19 68 968 or write to sanremo@themall.it

Shuttle times:

Cannes – Embarcadère Îles de Lérins – Laubeuf parking
14:00 | 16:00

Nice – Nice Acropolis – Esplade Kennedy
15:00 | 17:00

Monaco – Grimaldi Forum
15:40 | 17:40

from Sanremo city center to The Mall Sanremo
Departure: Piazza Cesare Battisti
18:00 | 20:00
Departure: Via Roma 140
18:05 | 20:05
Departure: Portosole
18:10 | 20:10
Departure: Sanremo train station
18:15 | 20:15


The Mall Sanremo – Cannes – Embarcadère Îles de Lérins – Laubeuf parking
20:30 | 23:00

The Mall Sanremo – Nice – Nice Acropolis – Esplade Kennedy
20:30 | 23:00

The Mall Sanremo – Monaco – Grimaldi Forum
20:30 | 23:00

from The Mall Sanremo to Sanremo city center
19:00 | 21:00 | 22:30 | 23:30


#themallsanremo @themalloutlets

An Exclusive Partner Event this May - AllDutch Yachting Launches the VanDutch48 at the Yacht Club de Monaco

Experience and enjoy the new arrival VD48 with short trial cruises around Port Hercule in various captained VanDutch boats. Our event will showcase aperitif snacks, dynamic networking and the Espresso Martini by the Artisan Coffee Co..

Yacht Club de Monaco

Friday 20th May 2022 . 5pm to 7pm

In partnership with
AllDutch Yachting


This exclusive event is free of charge and is exclusively available only to members and partners of Club Vivanova. Individual members will receive one attendance ticket, Corporate and Platinum partners will receive two attendance tickets.
More information on club membership and partnerships at this link.

The iconic style of a VanDutch yacht reflects the brand’s excellent customer services. Choosing VanDutch means joining an exclusive club made up of unique yachts. The innovation, performance, and unmistakable hull lines, all of which are recognisable worldwide. Read more about our club partner AllDutch.

Club Vivanova Partnership
Our partner platform offers excellent local and international promotional opportunities with event partnerships for brand-growth and business networking – plus complimentary features and highlights in our online magazine. Read more

Blevins Franks Financial Tips - How to Take Control of your Finances in an Uncertain World

The last few years have emphasised how uncertain life can be; how we never know what is around the corner.  Brexit and the pandemic have now been followed by the worrying and upsetting events in Ukraine.  Life feels more uncertain again. 

This perhaps makes it more important for us to take control where we can, as much as we can, particularly when it comes to our family’s long-term future and security.  So here we take a look at the key wealth management considerations we should review from time to time. 

Pension planning

For most of us, our pension funds are key to our long-term financial security, so great care must be taken to do what is right for you and your family.  The UK pension freedoms may no longer be ‘new’, but they can still cause uncertainty when deciding what to do with yours, and each option has pros and cons. 

If you are planning to spend your retirement years in France, you also need to establish the local tax implications and what works best for you as a France resident.

Many expatriates have chosen to transfer UK pensions to a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) for the advantages they can offer, such as income and currency flexibility. But they do not suit everyone – you may find it more beneficial, for example, to reinvest UK pension funds into French-compliant investment arrangements, or even leave your UK pension where it is.  Also, the UK has recently made changes which make transferring to QROPS more difficult. 


In any case, you should always take personalised, regulated pensions advice to ensure you take the best course of action for your particular circumstances.


Your savings and investments 

It is impossible to control what may or may not happen in the markets in future, what geopolitical events may cause volatility or prices to rise; we can’t know what interest rates will be five, ten, or twenty years from now. 

But we can take steps to build an investment portfolio that:

·      is based around our risk profile, circumstances, time horizon and objectives; and 

·      includes suitable asset allocation and diversification to control risk; and 

·      is designed to provide capital growth over the longer term to beat inflation so you can maintain your spending power through retirement. 

Geopolitical events, like those we’re seeing at the moment, can cause significant market turbulence which can be unsettling for investors, but that does not mean it’s the time for knee-jerk reactions or short-term changes.  

History has shown that ‘timing’ markets is incredibly difficult, especially where out-sized market movements are involved. And in timing, an investor needs to get it right twice – when to encash some of your investments and when to get in the market. Getting one right is rarely achieved, as the news has already arrived by the time you can look to act (so markets will already have reacted). The same also applies when markets move sharply upward as we saw after the initial covid news in 2020.  

Investing is a marathon not a sprint, so being patient and sticking with the plan can pay off. 

Estate planning

While we cannot avoid death, with good estate planning we can control who receives our assets and when. Is your legacy on track to go to your chosen heirs according to your wishes and with minimal taxation? Take care to understand the succession laws and inheritance tax in France and anywhere else you have assets and heirs, as well as the pros and cons of using the EU succession regulation ‘Brussels IV’ to override local ‘forced heirship’ rules.

You need a strategy that achieves your wishes while making the process straightforward and tax-efficient for your heirs. And don’t forget your own needs; consider the tax implications to find the optimum solution for your wealth during your lifetime too.  

Tax planning

The way you structure your assets and wealth can make a significant difference to your tax bill. You need to make sure your arrangements are structured appropriately for your life in France as well as your particular aims, circumstance, goals and risk appetite.

Are you taking advantage of tax-efficient structures available in France? Besides tax savings, these may offer additional benefits such as currency and income flexibility and estate planning advantages. 

Ultimately, cross-border tax and financial planning is complex. While you can do some groundwork yourself, you will benefit from talking to a specialist adviser with in-depth knowledge of the French tax regime and its interaction with UK rules. They can help you take advantage of available tax, investment, pensions, and estate planning opportunities to ensure you do what works best for you and your family, today, tomorrow and the future. 

By Rob Kay, Senior Partner, Blevins Franks 
Link to Rob Kay profile / contact page

You can find other financial advisory articles by visiting our website here

Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; individuals should seek personalised advice.

Blevins Franks Group is represented in France by the following companies:  Blevins Franks Wealth Management Limited (BFWML) and Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF). BFWML is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority, registered number C 92917. Authorised to conduct investment services under the Investment Services Act and authorised to carry out insurance intermediary activities under the Insurance Distribution Act. Where advice is provided outside of Malta via the Insurance Distribution Directive or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II, the applicable regulatory system differs in some respects from that of Malta. BFWML also provides taxation advice; its tax advisers are fully qualified tax specialists.  Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF), is registered with ORIAS, registered number 07 027 475, and authorised as ‘Conseil en Investissements Financiers’ and ‘Courtiers d’Assurance’ Category B (register can be consulted on www.orias.fr). Member of ANACOFI-CIF. BFF’s registered office: 1 rue Pablo Neruda, 33140 Villenave d’Ornon – RCS BX 498 800 465 APE 6622Z.  Garantie Financière et Assurance de Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle conformes aux articles L 541-3 du Code Monétaire et Financier and L512-6 and 512-7 du Code des Assurances (assureur MMA). Blevins Franks Trustees Limited is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for the administration of retirement schemes. This promotion has been approved and issued by BFWML.