Fashion Monte Carlo

Saville Row Fashion Designer Lady Row Launches a Sustainable Luxury Brand in Monaco at a Champagne J.M. Tissier Business Lunch


Built upon Byzantium and Savile Row history, Lady Row honours its rich past within sustainable luxury. Renowned for the iconic the dress coat, a Lady Row piece is immediately recognisable. The dominant, sophisticated, powerful, elegant self-reflection for the art and tailoring of the history roots- such characteristics define each unique creation. With a mastery of craftsmanship, Lady Row innovates the future of design and redeems the legend of ancient cultures.

Wednesday 17th February 2021 . 12.30pm

Lady Row Fashion Experience
Champagne J.M. Tissier Degustation

€48 per person . Book tickets online
Limited seating

Join Club Vivanova for a fabulous three course lunch with Platinum Partner Lady Row and Corporate Partner Champagne J.M. Tissier at Monaco's finest Indian Restaurant with exceptional business networking opportunities.

Our business lunches give attendees the opportunity to develop direct introductions to our club community and the chance to privately meet over lunch and network in the wonderful ambience of Maya Jah Monaco.

Gourmet Champagne Lunch
A three-course lunch will be served with starters, a choice of main course (Chicken Tikka Masala or Vegetarian Curry) married with a selection of three Premier Cru J.M. Tissier Champagnes, followed by dessert. Coffee and mineral waters are included.

Lady Row Fashion
Built upon Byzantium and Savile Row history, Lady Row honours its rich past within sustainable luxury. Renowned for the iconic the dress coat, a Lady Row piece is immediately recognisable. Read more..

You don't have to be a club member to join our parties. Everyone is welcome to book and attend our events, which are always well-attended; early reservations are recommended.

Join Club Vivanova
Our Corporate Partner platform offers excellent local and international promotional opportunities with event partnerships for brand-growth and business networking – plus complimentary features and highlights in our online magazine. Read more..