eau de vie

Our New Platinum Partner Jardii Eau de Vie was created to showcase some of the finest quality fruits in the world


Jardii Eau de Vie was created to showcase some of the finest quality fruits in the world.

In order to preserve the essence and soul of the fruit, we do not use any additives or preservatives, in keeping with the Jardii mission of distilling only the finest quality Eau de Vie.

Using our know how and the latest advances in technology, we produce a savory, smooth and distinguished all natural Premium Eau de Vie.

Jardii Eau de Vies carry through the tradition of old, crafting an experience like no other.

Jardii uses the best in current technology and quality measures to offer a delicious, all natural Eau de Vie produced under stringent distillation standards.

Employing only the finest copper stills and exceptional quality fruit, we produce an unparalleled, doubly distilled premium Eau de Vie.

Each bottle is infused with the highest quality fruit. Jardii Eau de Vies are the purest, most refreshing all-natural beverages available.

Enter the Jardii garden and indulge.


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