
Cool Down, Hydrate and Stay Healthy this August - Metabolic Balance Nutritional Tips & Recipes

Summer is here, it’s warming up - we need to keep cool and hydrate and here are some excellent culinary and health tips from our Platinum Partner Metabolic Balance.

How do you actually produce metabolically balanced ice cream? It's quite easy: For a homemade ice cream, puree a portion of deep-frozen fruits with a hand blender or mixer. And if you want to enjoy ice cream bought in the supermarket, we have the following tips for you:

1. The shorter the list of ingredients, the better. An organic ice cream is usually more expensive, but for a taste experience without additives, it is worth spending a few cents more.
2. Information on high-quality processing can also be found in phrases such as "without colorings, additives and flavorings" or "only natural ingredients". 
3. Avoid plastic spoons and cups as much as possible and, like this, ensure clean ice cream enjoyment!

Preparation time 16 minutes

Ingredients (2 portions)
4 - 5 tbsp. of goat's cream cheese
1 small bunch of chives
1 shallot
1 tbsp. of hazelnuts 
2 tbsp. of pomegranate seeds
3 tbsp. of olive oil
1 tbsp. of white wine vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard, coarse-grained
Cress according to taste
2 handfuls of wild herbs, ready for use

In a small bowl, season goat's cream cheese with sea salt and pepper and shape into praline-sized balls. Place on a plate, cover and briefly put in the freezer to set. In the meantime, prepare the toppings by rinsing the chives under cold running water, dabbing dry with paper towel and cutting into fine rings. Peel and halve the shallot and cut into fine cubes. Mix both ingredients together and set aside as a topping. Briefly toast hazelnuts in a pan all around, without adding fat, over medium heat. Then chop finely and set aside as another topping. Remove goat's cream cheese balls from the freezer and roll each in a topping, creating a colorful variety. Then put in the fridge. Mix a dressing of olive oil, white wine vinegar, Dijon mustard and cress, and season with sea salt and pepper. In a large bowl, mix wild herbs with the dressing. Arrange equally in 2 bowls, or in deep plates, and arrange goat's cream cheese pralines and pomegranate seeds on top. Delicious!

Get the grill ready – steady – go! These tips make barbecuing a healthy pleasure.
- Use only charcoal or briquettes without harmful residues. The same applies to barbecue lighting aids.
- Caution. If fat or oily marinade drips down, smoke is produced that contains highly toxic substances that are considered carcinogenic. 
- The easiest way to prevent fat and liquid from running into the embers is to use aluminum foil on the grill grid.
- Smoked or cured meat should not be grilled: It contains nitrite salts, which produce nitrosamines in the food at high heat. These are also said to be carcinogenic.
- Tips for light barbecue enjoyment: Leave out filling side dishes like baguettes or bread and give your body extra healthy carbohydrates in the form of vegetables. Grilling vegetables gives them a particularly delicious aroma. They can be put on skewers in a colorful mix, for example, but they also cook wonderfully in grill bowls. You don't always have to use barbecue classics like corn, peppers or zucchini. Exotic barbecue vegetables such as asparagus, eggplant, fennel or pumpkin also do well on the hot barbecue. To prevent them from sticking to the grill, brush them with a little oil beforehand and season them at the same time. Then put them on the barbecue and in a few minutes you can enjoy them. Delicious!
So better grill healthily by following this advice and enjoy it!

Especially now in the warm season it is important to drink enough water: 35 ml per kg body weight is the optimum amount. The following applies: Do not drink only when thirsty! When you feel thirsty, your body has already suffered a water deficiency. You shouldn’t let it get that far. It's better to get used to regular drinking. Which water you prefer is up to you. Just try different variations and you will quickly find the perfect water for you.
We also recommend drinking plenty of water to anyone who wants to lose weight and who feels hungry between meals.