
Swiss Rainbow Chard - Kick Off Midsummer with a Healthy Boost of Vitamin and Mineral Infused Recipes from our Platinum Partner Metabolic Balance

Chard is one of our favorite vegetables! From a botanical point of view, #chard is related to beetroot. It's not the tubers that are eaten, but the leaves and stems. Its #taste is similar to that of spinach. However, it's spicier and has a nutty note. There are different varieties, but they hardly differ in taste. Chard is rich in proteins and possesses the minerals phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine and the vitamins B1, B2 and C. It's recognized as a medicinal plant because of its healing effect on nervousness and constipation.

Today we delight you with an exotic treat!
For one serving you need:
1 serving of red lentils
1 serving of vegetables (we take chard, onions and carrots)
1 serving of mango (or fruit according to plan)
Vegetable broth
Fresh ginger
Fresh garlic
Fresh mint

Wash the lentils, cook for 10 minutes, fry the onion cubes, chopped garlic and chopped ginger in some vegetable stock. Add cleaned, chopped and peeled vegetables and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the cooked lentils to the steamed vegetables and bring to a boil. Add the fruit of your choice, cut into small pieces, and season, taste and finally add the chopped mint. Yummy!

Our Chef de Table Jan P. Cleusters has once again created something delicious for you.

Chickpea-Carrot Bowl with Coriander
Ingredients for 2 persons:
500 g carrots
2 shallots
1 tbsp coconut oil
2 TL curry powder, mild
1 Tsp tomato paste
100 ml vegetable broth, from granular broth
200 ml coconut milk
1 small can of chickpeas
6 twigs of coriander

Peel the carrots and cut into cubes. Peel the shallots and dice finely. Heat coconut oil in a medium-sized saucepan. Fry the carrots and shallots in it over medium heat for a few minutes until a uniform browning is achieved. Add the curry and tomato paste and stir briefly. Add vegetable stock and coconut milk and bring to a boil slowly. Cook the covered carrotsat low level for about 4 minutes. Pour the chickpeas into a sieve, rinse with cold water, drain and add to the carrots. Season with sea salt and pepper. Shower coriander under running cold water, dab dry with kitchen paper and chop coarsely together with the twigs. Arrange the carrots with the sauce in bowls or deep plates and sprinkle with coriander.

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