
Metabolic Balance Presents Weekly Recipes with Ingredients That Are Going To Make You Feel Amazing - Part 2 Arugula

Whether in pesto, as a salad or on a pizza – arugula is not only very popular, but also absolutely healthy. The dark green leaf salad with the spicy flavor is rich in vitamin C and thus supports the immune system. In addition, arugula contains folic acid, other B vitamins, plenty of beta-carotene as well as potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium. Its bitter substances also ensure a healthy metabolism. Due to their intense taste, the bitter substances are responsible for the rapid onset of salivary and digestive juices. The feeling of satiety is thus accelerated and we feel full faster. Arugula thus also prevents cravings and becomes a multi-talent on the plate.

This tasty side dish exudes a touch of exoticism: arugula salad with olive mango dressing.

You need:
1 serving of vegetables (for example olives and arugula)
1 tablespoon of chopped shallots
1 serving of mango
balsamic vinegar
salt, black pepper

Pureé the olives with balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Peel the mango, remove the pulp from the core and cut into small cubes. Purée some of the cubes under the dressing, set aside the rest. Mix the onion cubes with the dressing. Wash, clean and dry arugula. Mix with the mango cubes and the dressing. Enjoy a protein according to plan – a fish fillet or fried tofu goes well. Yummy!

Strawberry-arugula salad with anglerfish
1 serving of anglerfish medallions
1 serving of arugula
1 tablespoon of chopped onion
1 serving of strawberries
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
salt, black pepper
some oil

Wash the arugula leaves, throw dry and pluck them into pieces. Wash the strawberries and cut them into slices without sepals. Quarter the onion. Then cut into thin strips. Mix the balsamic vinegar with salt and pepper and a little oil. Add salt and pepper to the fish and heat a little oil in a pan. Put in the fish medallions and fry by medium heat for about 2 minutes per side. Spread the arugula on a plate, add the strawberry slices and onion and sprinkle with the vinegar dressing. Place the fried fish next to it or on it and enjoy!