Brain Health

Feeling Good And Staying Sharp - The Five Unexpected Dementia Red Flags

The Five Unexpected Dementia Red Flags - And No, They Aren’t Memory Loss!

Perhaps it crosses your mind when you lose your car keys, (for the fourth time today). Or when you call your son by the dog’s name. Again. Memory loss is the best-known symptom of dementia, after all, and one in three people born in the UK today will develop it at some stage in their lifetime.

Yet a growing body of research suggests that the very first warning signs (those that signal the earliest brain changes) are not always related to forgetfulness. In fact, on the surface, they might appear to have very little to do with your mind.

In isolation, of course, each of these red flags may well prove nothing at all to worry about. But if they persist, appear in combination or trouble you, it’s always better to get your doctor’s opinion. Accessing the right support early, and putting the right interventions in place, can make all the difference.

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Brain Health Network's mission is to help people keep their brain healthy as they age - lowering the risk of neurodegeneration, feeling good, and staying sharp.

Find out more and sign up for updates at this link
Free eBook link - The Brain Health Method

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Courtesy of Brain Health Network and Good Housekeeping

Nine Lifestyle Related Causes of Premature Brain Ageing and How You Can Fight Them

Nine Lifestyle Related Causes of Premature Brain Ageing and How You Can Fight Them

Does the name of the actor in your favorite Netflix show escape you? Do you confuse the names of friends, family, and pets? When this happens, it’s inevitable to worry that you might be losing your mind. After all, the brain—like all our organs—inexorably declines over time. If you think there is nothing that can be done to fix it, however, think again. The speed with which our brain cells age does not only depend on genetics. Various lifestyle factors can affect how our brain matter is preserved—and the good news is that many of them are modifiable. Read more and take action


Brain Health Network's mission is to help people keep their brain healthy as they age - lowering the risk of neurodegeneration, feeling good, and staying sharp.

Find out more and sign up for updates at this link
Free eBook link - The Brain Health Method

Contact email

”Stay Sharp, Feel Good, Reduce Risk” - Optimising Brain Health Seminar & Luncheon - Wednesday 19th June 2024

Maintaining a healthy brain - learn more from leading professors about what happens to the brain as the years go by, and what the latest research shows we can do to stay sharp, feel good, and reduce risk of neurodegeneration. Learn more about this event

Optimising Brain Health - Seminar & Luncheon
”Stay Sharp, Feel Good, Reduce Risk”
Wednesday 19th June . 11am
Fairmont Monte Carlo

Presented by Professor James Goodwin and Professor Jeremy Spencer
Free Signed Book - Supercharge Your Brain

€85 per person

11am Seminar and Coffee Service
12.30pm Three Course Lunch
1.30pm Question Time (one hour)
Open International Wine Bar

Join Club Vivanova in partnership with Brain Health Network for a seminar followed by a networking lunch with presentations and discussion with Professor James Goodwin (author of Supercharge Your Brain: How to Maintain a Healthy Brain Throughout Your Life) and Professor Jeremy Spencer (an expert in nutrition and brain health).

There will also be the opportunity to learn more about the Brain Health Network organisation and future plans. Every attendee will receive a complimentary book, signed by Professor Goodwin.  


Everybody is welcome!
You don't have to be a club member to join this event. Everyone is welcome to book and attend our open gourmet events, which are always well-attended; early reservations are recommended.

Join Club Vivanova
Our Corporate Partner platform offers excellent local and international promotional opportunities with event partnerships for brand-growth and business networking - plus free inclusion into our digital magazine and partner platform.

Meet Professor James Goodwin PhD - Guest Speaker at our Optimising Brain Health Seminar & Luncheon this June

Professor James Goodwin has a wealth of experience prior to joining Brain Health Network, having formerly held the position of Chief Scientific Officer at Age UK, and as a founding staff member of the Global Council on Brain Health - a collaborative between AARP in the US and Age UK.

James is an international speaker, science communicator and author, having presented at the UN, the WHO, and at numerous corporate clients. He is also author of the UK best-seller on brain health, ‘Supercharge Your Brain’, published by Penguin Random House.

”Stay Sharp, Feel Good, Reduce Risk”
Wednesday 19th June . 11am
Fairmont Monte Carlo

Presented by Professor James Goodwin and Professor Jeremy Spencer
Free Signed Book - Supercharge Your Brain

€85 per person

Maintaining a healthy brain - learn more from leading professors about what happens to the brain as the years go by, and what the latest research shows we can do to stay sharp, feel good, and reduce risk of neurodegeneration.

11am Seminar and Coffee Service
12.30pm Three Course Lunch
1.30pm Question Time (one hour)
Open International Wine Bar

Join Club Vivanova in partnership with Brain Health Network for a seminar followed by a networking lunch with presentations and discussion with Professor James Goodwin (author of Supercharge Your Brain: How to Maintain a Healthy Brain Throughout Your Life) and Professor Jeremy Spencer (an expert in nutrition and brain health).

There will also be the opportunity to learn more about the Brain Health Network organisation and future plans. Every attendee will receive a complimentary book, signed by Professor Goodwin.  


Everybody is welcome!
You don't have to be a club member to join this event. Everyone is welcome to book and attend our open gourmet events, which are always well-attended; early reservations are recommended.

Join Club Vivanova
Our Corporate Partner platform offers excellent local and international promotional opportunities with event partnerships for brand-growth and business networking - plus free inclusion into our digital magazine and partner platform.